Payment options
Advance bank transfer
We will send you an order confirmation with our bank details by e-mail. After the amount has been credited to our account, the goods will be shipped.
For bank transfers from abroad, any bank charges will be borne by you.
If we do not receive the money within 10 days, we have to cancel the order. Please note when transferring money from abroad: We only accept EU standard bank transfers, (so be sure to include IBAN and Swiftcode), otherwise the bank fees charged to us will be charged. Switzerland: We only accept SEPA payments without bank fees!
Payment will be made immediately with your PayPal account to our Paypal account with the address
SEPA Direct Debit
The SEPA direct debit is encrypted via PayPal after entering your IBAN.
Credit card (VISA, Mastercard)
We accept VISA, Mastercards and Maestro cards. The payment processing is encrypted via PayPal and thus offers you a secure handling of your data and a fast and uncomplicated payment processing.